
Question Number What I got Wrong/Improvement
7 I answered A when the correct answer was C. I was a little confused with what changes needed to be made to the algorithim. I will read the question more properly next time.
14 I answered D when the correct answer was A. I had some trouble reading this diagram and could not correlate which one matched the questions that it was asking. I will improve on diagram reading.
15 I answered D when the correct answer was A. This was a question about grids and I did not truly understand how to decipher how to make the better grids. It was hard for me and I will better understand this next time.
17 THis one I just answered A when I was supposed to select two answers. I just read the question a little wrong.
27 I answered A when the correct answer was D. This was another diagram question and it is something that I need to work on.
28 THis one I just answered C when I was supposed to select two answers. I just read the question a little wrong.
30 This one I answered A when the corret answers were B and C. I could not understand what program was fit to draw exactly that shape. I need to better understand different logistics that help draw figures like that.
43 I answered A when the correct asnwer was C. For this one I just got confused for the purpose and differences for computer cimulation logistics. I need to do better when it comes to understanding the purposes of computer simulations.
44 I answered A when the correct answer was D. In this problem I just misread the question and did not completely understand the banks function. I have to do better when it comes to understanding the problme better.
47 I answered A when the correct answer was C. In this problem I misunderstood what a heuristic was. I need to do better when it comes to what a heuristic is and what its application is.
48 I anseweed C when the answer was D. I could not properly read the ines of code. I was not able to understand the functions of each line and so I could not figure out which code to interchange. I need to get better at readings lines of code.
49 I answered B when the correct answer was D. This was a question about computers and I did not think about it properly. It was hard for me and I will better understand this next time.