Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function 0 0 Inputs and outputs were not described properly, the program is function but the purpose is not describes as well.
Row 2: Data Abstraction 0 0 The list shows two different code segments but there is no explanation of what their purpose is.
Row 3: Managing Complexity 0 0 There is nothing even really here.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction 1 0 Shopws that the procedure is being called.
Row 5: Algorithm Implementation 0 0 Loop with iteration and sequencing is shown, not explained good.
Row 6: Testing 1 1 He shows that he was able to fulfill all of the requirements that were asked of them.

Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function 1 1 It shows that the program was run very well.
Row 2: Data Abstraction 1 1 Two code segments are provided, showing the storage of a list and it being called within a procedure.
Row 3: Managing Complexity 1 1 He manages to show the complexities of the issue very well.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Uses procedures and uses them effectively.
Row 5: Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm works well with the the rest of the program.
Row 6: Testing 1 1 Alogrithm showing that is addresses all of the different parts and it shows a a good level of complexity.

Submission 3

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function 1 0 It shows that the program was run very well. Programming functions properly with inputs and outputs.
Row 2: Data Abstraction 1 1 Shows two code segments and describes what the list represents and why it's important.
Row 3: Managing Complexity 1 1 He manages to show the complexities of the issue very well by using lists to manage alternative and complex options.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Shows a function with parameters. Also shows it being called in the context of the program.
Row 5: Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm works well with the the rest of the program.
Row 6: Testing 1 1 Describes two calls, what conditions each one tests, and the results of each one.

Submission 4

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function 1 1 It shows that the program was run very well.
Row 2: Data Abstraction 0 0 The problem with this is that there is a list but it doesnt say what its for.
Row 3: Managing Complexity 0 0 Includes a list, but that list is not used to manage complexity.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Uses procedures and uses them effectively.
Row 5: Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm works well with the the rest of the program.
Row 6: Testing 1 0 Describes both calls, and describes the conditions.
  • Submission 1: Student 2 actually received a better grade from me than from College Board, who only awarded them a 1/6. I gave them a 2/6. This small disparity was caused by the Procedural Abstraction row, where I had granted the student an extra point since I thought they had successfully demonstrated a one-program code with at least one parameter, but the College Board had decided not to do so.
  • Submission 2: Given that we could both agree that this student had complied with every single condition necessary to secure their 6/6 mark, there was no disagreement between my scoring and the College Board's in this case. Each and every objective was comprehensively explained, with a clear purpose and an explanation of inputs and consequences.
  • Submission 3: The College Board had awarded this student a 5/6 score and I dont agree with this scoring. I think this student got a perfect score. This minor discrepancy stems from the fact that I had given them the point on the program purpose and function row, and it was mainly because the student couldnt address their main function and purpose.
  • Submission 4: I gave this student a 4/6 while collegeboard gave them a 3/6. The problems really came from the lack of the complexity within their code and their ignorance of adding certain listws.


  • I think my grade is on par with the marks the College Board gave the example projects. I am well aware of the requirements and what my project needs to succeed. My project must be complete, with a variety of features and abstraction, in order to satisfy all the requirements. I also saw that planning is essential for the development process. Lack of explanations of how something works is one of the key reasons a submission might not have satisfied the requirements in one area.