Night at the Museum Blog!

During Night at the Museum, the class that I explored was Studio Art. Studio Art displayed a lot of the art pieces that they had been working on throughout the trimester. As I was looking around the classroom there was one piece that caught my eye and it was a picture of a Mily Way bar and a Snickers bar on some cards.


My Thoughts and Analysis on the Picture

This picture stuck out to me because Night at the Museum was so close to halloween so my eyes just drew to the candy on the wall. I really believe that there is some sort of symbolism behind the drawing as the cards are behing the chocolate. The way I interpret that picture if you are spending money on candy then it should be the two choices resembled here. I really thought whoever drew this drawing did a great job creating this icture and making it appealing. I liked how they creatively put meaning behind the picture as well. I feel like one thing they could imprve on is make the symbolism a little more apparent but I guess the beauty of art is to just let the audience interpret the meaning themselves. Overall I thin NATM was a huge success and us students were able to experience a plethora of talents from a lot of different people.

My Rating of the Picture

I believe that this picture deserves a 8.5/10. The Picture was very well drawn and I loved how it kind of resembled the Halloween theme that surrounded it.

What I Believe They Can Improve On

Not much but I feel that if they had to improve on one thing it would be to make the symbolism behind the card in the backround a little more clear. I know that art is based on interpretation of the photograph but if they made it a little more clear then the audience would also be able to better enjoy the piece.

Second Picture in Photography


My Thoughts and Analysis on the Picture

This picture when I saw it was incredibly beutiful and not only because it was taken by a highschool student but because it really captivated nature in its lively state. I think that this picture contrasted not only the colors exteremly well but the focus on animal and the faded backround makes it so much more appealing. It really is a beautiful piece that really resembles nature a lot. It is also incredibly cool how they captured a picture of the moose with its kids as well and it adds a lot more to the sentimental value.

My Rating of the Picture

10/10, It really is a wonderful picture that was taken and it represents a lot of incredible things about photography.

What I believe They Can Improve On

Honestly, I really dont think they can improve on anything. This picture was wonderfully taken.