• A lot of these alumni are majoring in engineering, CS, and cogsci (mainly going into UC)
  • Some people did compsci at a really young age… some started from 2nd grade
  • Other majors could have CS in it
  • Profound interest in compsci
  • could be a struggle early on with github and other things…
  • Google is your friend!
  • Focus on your own path and your own curve… it does not matter where other people are
  • Some hard transition to college based on content taught
  • Motivation could be easily lost and a lot of people will cut corners… have the “above and beyond” mindset.

“Notebook Check”

  • toc:true
  • branch: master
  • badges: true
  • comments: true
  • author: Saavan Gade
  • categories: [CSP Assignments, Week 2]